Finds of Special Interest + Hoards

Finds of Special Interest
Select, drag and drop (or copy and paste) the highlighted keyword below into the search box to view all records designated Finds of Special Interest on the database. Once the results are displayed, they can be filtered, if required, by selecting 'Coins' or 'Artefacts' at the top of the page and clicking the 'Search' button.

SS_Find - All finds of special interest

Select, drag and drop (or copy and paste) one of the highlighted keywords below into the search box, and select the option 'Exact match', to view the records that make up each of the hoards and 'purse losses' that have been recorded on the database.

HR001 - Denarii of the Roman Republic
HR002 - A small 'purse loss' of Tudor and Stuart coins
HR003 - A significant hoard of Henry III period long cross coins
HR004 - A small hoard of Elizabeth I and James I coins
HR005 - A small hoard of short cross coins dating to the reign of King John
HR006 - Gold and silver coins of the period of Edward IV
HR007 - Gold and silver coins of the period of Henry VIII
HR008 - A small 'purse loss' of Edward I and Edward II coins
HR009 - A few denarii of the 1st century AD
HR010 - A few imported Gallo-Belgic gold staters
HR011 - A hoard of Henry I pennies
HR012 - A significant and extremely unusual hoard of brass coin and bullion weights
HR013 - A small 'purse loss' of Elizabeth I coins
HR014 - A small group of pennies of Edward I and Alexander III of Scotland
HR015 - A hoard of medieval silver coins, ranging from Edward I to Henry VI
HR016 - A significant hoard of Roman Republican and early Imperial denarii
HR017 - A small hoard of bronze coins of the Constantinian period
HR018 - A small hoard of Roman Republican and early Imperial denarii
HR19 - Three gold coins of Edward III, probably a 'purse loss'.
HR20 - Three silver halfpennies of Edward I, probably a 'purse loss'.

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